How to fill out an application form

Get the basics right
  • Set aside a good amount of time to complete an application. Rushed applications are rarely successful
  • Find a quiet, comfortable place and have with you a copy of the Job Description and Person Specification of the job you are applying for.
  • Read all the instructions thoroughly before starting, and follow them exactly
  • Save your progress at every possible opportunity.
  • Type text into Word first so you can spell-check, grammar check and you are aware of the word count. When you are happy with it copy and paste it into the form.(you may want to save this text if you are making a number of applications)
  • Avoid using acronyms as they may only relate to your previous job or mean something else at the company you are applying for
  • Avoid negative statements. If you don’t have, the specific experience explain how the experience you do have is similar or transferrable. Also, give an example of where you have picked up learning a new skill or system quickly.
  • Check dates of qualification and make sure that no qualifications you have on your CV have expired.
Make your application form stand out from the crowd
  • “Targeting” is the key to a first-class application form. Always relate your answers directly to what the employer says they’re looking for in the job advertisement, or in the job specification they sent you.
  • If they’ve supplied you with a Person Specification, make sure you’ve addressed each point in the correct order. This makes short-listing much easier for the employer.
  • For each point, provide specific examples of how you have the skills for the job. Don’t just tell the employer you have them (and hope they believe you!).
  • Make sure you’ve mentioned all your skills and experience that are relevant to the job, while keeping what you say reasonably short and to the point.
  • Make sure your language is positive and dynamic.
  • Re check that you have answered all the questions to the best of your ability.
  • Make sure you’ve completed the application and submitted it before the closing date.
  • If you’re sending a form by post, ideally use an envelope big enough to take the form without folding. Remember that the postage you pay will depend on the size and weight of the form. If you are unsure check with your local Post Office.

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